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Tangible-E-M-otion (2016, 2019)

In recent years, smart textiles have been shown to affect human movements and emotions, and their application to mental care is considered. This study is aimed at children with developmental disorders and aims to develop smart clothes that give a sense of stability when panic. Autistic children often panic and often have problems in education and nursing settings but there are currently few solutions. Therefore, we developed and evaluated a smart textile that gives multimodal stimulation called Tangible-E-M-otion. The form of Tangible-E-M-otion is created from layered tulle and felted wool that trap air and embedded LED lights, vibrators, and speaker. The textile, is designed to morph, change colour and reconfigure its position on the body in response to the wearer's expression fo emotion through movement. In this experiment, 11 healthy subjects wore Tangible-E-M-otion, and the sense of stability by changing the posture was analyzed from two components of EDA (Electrodermal activity).  As a result, it was revealed that the subject's arousal changed when the LED changed.

Work created in collaboration with Associate Pro. Jaeryoung Lee, Aichi IsamuYu, Kosei Miura, Makino MitsuruHiroshi at Department Robotic Science and Technology at Chubu University in Japan and Dr. Senior Researcher Min-Gyu Kim at Korea Institute of Robotic and Convergence in South Korea. This study was supported by the Special Research Fund of Chubu University (29IS07B).

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