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 Trans-In-Out (2007) 





Eco-Furniture of the Future

The application of Sustainable Designing Process in Furniture Design for Mass-Manufacture.


The concept of sustainable products has emerged rapidly as one way to prevent pollution and over-consumption from harming the planet and squandering natural resources. The idea of eco-design and design for the environment requires designers to be more creative in their thinking. This project explores “Eco-furniture of the Future” from the mass-manufacturing perspective. It conceptualizes sustainable designing processes as a constellation of socially acceptable, marketable and technically feasible results. It asks how new information affects furniture design. Retailers in the local market place and sustainable timber industry in Perth W.A. is a collaborative resarch project.


This was Designing Future Cluster Development project (2007) held in Perth. I had professional design industry experience through participation in the FORM worked with Australian furniture designer, John Goulder. 

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